Duckist Marketing Strategy Breakdown

January 31, 2024 • 3 Minute Read

This is a working document on our marketing campaign for

What does Duckist Do?🔗

Duckist sends passwords instantly and securely.

Why we built Duckist🔗

Clients don't want complicated solutions when sharing passwords. They want to send clear text, a security no-no. Here, you can send passwords using encrypted messages that auto-expire after usage or lapsed time.


  • Freelancers who send sensitive information to clients
  • Coworkers sharing passwords
  • External people who need access to internal things

Brainstorming On How to reach🔗

With, we most likely won't be able to sustain growth with ads and profitability because:

  • It is a competitive space
  • We charge very little per person
  • We do have advantages. This includes the ease of sending a secret, and everyone backlinking to Duckist. It should go viral when we get enough critical mass.

To bootstrap the marketing, we will use 2000 euros as wisely as possible - time is not priced in this calculation.

Idea 1: SEO🔗

Long-tail keywords. We are currently (as of 2023.06.25) ranked on the second page on Google and finally receiving some traffic. We have around 13 more articles in the pipeline that we will release to see what happens, but we'll figure out more things to do. We have also bought various backlinks that work their magic.

We will continue to release articles and get indexed by Google. We will also spread articles using a network of article distributions.

Idea 2: ProductHunt🔗

We'll hype it on ProductHunt. The plan is to release it at the start of July.

Idea 3: Twitter Ads🔗

Do different Twitter Ad targeting:

  • People who talk about freelancing
  • People who talk about business
  • Build In Public / IndieHacker crowd

Idea 4: Video of Duckist🔗

Maybe like

And either pay for traffic on YouTube or something like that. Con of this is I am not a sexy lady, and I'll need to spend time on that. Pro could go viral.

Idea 5: Individualized Direct Messages🔗

Send direct messages to people on Twitter and LinkedIn. I can try this with texts and videos (yes, you can send videos). Videos are more personal, BUT it takes more time.

If it works, I could get a VA to do it, and we can scale up marketing efforts this way.

Idea 6: Guerilla Marketing Cold Outreach Fiverr🔗

On Fiverr, you can contact freelancers. We can do the reverse of what is supposed to happen. We pitch them products. It is a bit of guerilla warfare-styled marketing, and I'd like to stay on the platform but this could be worth a try.

Idea 7: Affiliates🔗

I am looking into for affiliates. The nice thing about affiliates is you get experts to sell your products, and you can focus on what you're good at. It is a win-win when it works well.

Idea 8:🔗 is a new engine that auto-direct-messages people on Twitter. It looks cool and seems like it could be an automatic sales engine.

Idea 9: Browser Plugin🔗

To Do

Bonus: Ask for Feedback🔗

When contacting people, you can entice people by offering them something for free. It is a million times (scientific value here) easier to sell free than 1 cent. I'll focus on feedback for 12 months of free Pro.