Video Feedback in Universities and Online learning Environments!
May 01, 2024 •

Working smarter, not harder. Video feedback can change how we and our children learn in higher education institutions and offer us advantages we didn't have. Let's see how and why we should adopt it.
- assignment feedback
- assignment feedback examples
- assignment feedback comments examples
- professor feedback
- professor feedback examples
- examples of professor feedback comments
- professor's feedback on students' examples
What, why, and purpose
The article aims to showcase how universities, particularly professors and students, can benefit from video feedback instead of traditional notes or comments. We highlight the shortcomings of the comments, especially with comprehension or lack of understanding.
Many universities have had online classes and virtual sessions since post covid. Giving video feedback on projects and assignments fits in and will improve comprehension for the students. It will save the professor time in writing feedback to each student, save the students' time, and enhance comprehension levels for the students. It will mitigate the risks of wrong comprehension by the students and allow for enhanced productivity.
Pros of Video Feedback in Higher Education
Digital feedback for the win. Audio-visual feedback offers the following advantages:
Improved Student Assessment
How much have you learned? This is the basis of student assessment in all educational institutions. Traditionally, text-based assessments were the first choice. This was the format till a few years ago when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. This shifted learning to the online ecosphere and led to the adoption of audio-visual tools to facilitate learning. Applications like Zoom and Microsoft Teams became a mainstay for teaching in these institutions and other corporate circles.
Student assessments evolved as well, but not as much as it should have. Many instructors, lecturers, and professors preserved text format feedback and utilized their computers to send it via e-mail. This method serves its purpose but fails to enhance student learning. Written text feedback fails to showcase the nuances, tone, and explanatory potential that video feedback captures. This is where Video feedback in the form of screencast and screen recording tools shines. It incorporates visual cues, audio feedback, and focused learning, which will improve the learners' academic experience.
Written responses are easy to interpret differently than expected and this impacts the learning experience of the students and their professors. The message delivery in text feedback is unclear at best. Students may get frustrated, leading to erosion of their education's qualitative and quantitative aspects. Their engagement may be compromised and this can adversely shift student perception of their lecturers and course. Video feedback can improve the assessment and enhance student work and comprehension.
Better Time Management
Work smart, not harder. Video feedback saves the faculty and the student body a lot of time. Professors and lecturers can give relevant feedback to their students and deliver relevant knowledge to them. The feedback videos will save time across the board at undergraduate, master, and doctoral levels. Modifying our approach to e-learning will be beneficial for everyone involved. Learners have much to do and so do their instructors. Teaching and learning can be optimized using this feedback. Professors will spend less time grading papers and pointing out errors, students will spend less time figuring out how to correct mistakes and online education will gain.
We've seen how video feedback improves communication in other sectors. These improvements haven't happened in isolation, making it a worthy practice to adopt. The learners can send their assignments and have the feedback relayed to them. This video feedback can be uploaded to a drive or channel for future reference. This further saves time as the professors can reference it for further teaching. Providing feedback like this is certain to favor interactive and focused learning.
Improved Comprehension and Reference
Traditional feedback methods are getting outdated. Anything that improves student comprehension is a plus. Conversational feedback yields better results than authoritative feedback. A student assessment in a tiny text box does little to promote their understanding. It's easy to lose this feedback as well, which makes it detrimental to the teaching presence and learning. Feedback delivery matters. The goal is to optimize student understanding. Receiving video feedback on your assignments gives you a frame of reference. You get the social presence of your professors instead of an abstract text without further guidance.
Whilst this may seem like spoon-feeding, it isn't. It is doing your due diligence to give your students the best chance to succeed. Screen capture technology has taken great leaps, becoming an essential instructional technology. It is doing well in the corporate spheres, which resemble the educational environment. The videos are readily available to the students and others after them. The current generation spends more time on devices rather than printed books. It's time to use this format of input to enhance their learning.
Video Feedback Takeaways
Video feedback is one of the most underrated formats of learning. It has essential benefits that can help optimize learning in various institutions. Feedback is often used in every part of our lives but its analysis and comprehension differ. The use of video feedback solves this issue. It optimizes learning, understanding, interest, and recollection. It saves valuable time for the students and their instructors.
They are readily available for access and reference, making them an invaluable resource. Video feedback will enhance how we learn and enhance it for the better. This type of feedback will take some time to gel, but it will leave a lasting impression on all involved. It's time to adopt these modern feedback practices for the benefit of our children and the future generations to come.
There are excellent video feedback and screencast feedback tools in the market. Each has its pros and cons. VideoFeedbackr is perfect for this niche. It's simple to use, doesn't need app installation, and records without minute and storage restrictions. Each video has separate links preventing unauthorized access. Professors can rest easy knowing the right feedback will be delivered to the right person. It is Video Feedback hassle-free. VideoFeedbackr is here to optimize how we learn.
Can we give feedback via screen recording software?
Yes, we can. Screen recording software is essential for giving feedback on school work, work assignments, and projects. It allows you to capture every necessary aspect that needs corrections, improvements, and details that can be used for reference. It accurately depicts the tone of voice and allows the users to see everything from the professor's and instructor's views.
How can Screen Recording software help professors give feedback?
Professors can record their feedback and thoughts in complete detail. Written text is limiting and doesn't capture the professor's thoughts and desires. Giving this feedback via video allows them to express all their thoughts and expectations. The learner gets everything explained in complete detail and can rectify their assignments as necessary.
How do students benefit from using video feedback?
They get concrete feedback on their assignments. They get to understand where the problem is, how to solve it, and a video to refer to in the future. It's beneficial for all involved.
What are the best practices for video feedback?
There are some principles for video feedback. Identify the issues and record the solutions. Take the link and forward the video. It's not a difficult concept, which makes it best for users.
How hard is it to use VideoFeedbackr?
It's not hard to use VideoFeedbackr. You only need your browser to use it. Press record and enjoy.
What is the pricing for VideoFeedbackr?
VideoFeedbackr has a free version without a paid version. A paid version with better perks is coming soon.
Does VideoFeedbackr have a good free version?
Yes, it does. VideoFeedbackr has an excellent free version that offers unlimited free screen recording time, It records in quality audio, has good resolution, and manageable minutes. It offers a specific link for each video which keeps it privacy-aware. The free version of VideoFeedbackr has more benefits than Loom's version. Loom's version gives a 5-minute recording limit and 25 video recordings. VideoFeedbackr gives you the best for free.