Martin's Blog

Tech, Team Lead, Get things done

Dying, Bitcoin and Inheritance

Dying, Bitcoin and Inheritance

Insuring the future of my employees using the versatility of Bitcoin. Learn neat ways to plan for the future using Bitcoin.

Action Breeds Clarity

Action Breeds Clarity

Bid farewell to overthinking and embrace taking action to propel your growth. Learn how taking action breeds clarity and how this enhances your personal growth.

Video Feedback in Universities and Online learning Environments!

Video Feedback in Universities and Online learning Environments!

Enhance teaching and student learning with the use of screencast and video feedback.

Free Article Distribution Channels

Free Article Distribution Channels

Boost organic growth using the best free distribution channels. Discover the best distribution channels to promote your written content for organic growth.

Securing Your Server in 2024

Securing Your Server in 2024

Using knockd to secure your ubuntu or other linux server

Engineering as Marketing Theory and Practice

Engineering as Marketing Theory and Practice

Utilizing engineering inventions to market brands and products as a unique form of building and endearing target clientele.

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