Martin's Blog

Tech, Team Lead, Get things done

Static Viking

Static Viking

StaticTiger helps you create static blogs, wikis, personal notes and websites from just markdown files

How we do software

How we do software

Guide for how we do software well without too heavy procresses but just the right amount

Helpful Tips to write a postmortem report.

Helpful Tips to write a postmortem report.

Learn how to write a post mortem report using my firsthand experience. Get tips and advice that help you write your own post mortem report today with ease.

Dying, Bitcoin and Inheritance

Dying, Bitcoin and Inheritance

Insuring the future of my employees using the versatility of Bitcoin. Learn neat ways to plan for the future using Bitcoin.

Secure Password Sharing with my Remote Workers

Secure Password Sharing with my Remote Workers

Securely share passwords and sensitive secrets without digital risks. Share secrets and passwords in remote teams without any worry of phishing or data leaks.

QA is still frowned upon

QA is still frowned upon

Immense benefits tied to QA but it is still frowned upon. A detailed analysis on the myths surrounding quality assurance that make it undermined.

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