Martin's Blog

Tech, Team Lead, Get things done

Static Viking

Static Viking

StaticTiger helps you create static blogs, wikis, personal notes and websites from just markdown files

How QA helps us get more done

How QA helps us get more done

Enhance the productivity and efficiency of your team using Quality Assurance. Catch and fix errors in time for sustained quality and efficiency.

Make It Beautiful: Preparing Understandable Content Briefs

Make It Beautiful: Preparing Understandable Content Briefs

Enhance productivity and creativity with the use of a content cheat code. A detailed guide on crafting understandable content briefs.

7 Tips for Effective Communication in Remote Teams

7 Tips for Effective Communication in Remote Teams

Enhance and improve remote team communication using 7 simple strategies. A guide to improve communication in remote teams.

How we do software

How we do software

Guide for how we do software well without too heavy procresses but just the right amount

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