Martin's Blog

Tech, Team Lead, Get things done

QA is still frowned upon

QA is still frowned upon

Immense benefits tied to QA but it is still frowned upon. A detailed analysis on the myths surrounding quality assurance that make it undermined.

Businesses to start as a software developer

Businesses to start as a software developer

Business opportunities available to software developers. Learn their requirements, advantages, and challenges each opportunity poses.

How we do software

How we do software

Guide for how we do software well without too heavy procresses but just the right amount

Engineering as Marketing Theory and Practice

Engineering as Marketing Theory and Practice

Utilizing engineering inventions to market brands and products as a unique form of building and endearing target clientele.

Astro Web Framework: What is it and how to get started!

Astro Web Framework: What is it and how to get started!

Astro web framework and all there is to learn to build fast and content-focused websites like landing pages.

9 Reasons Why Software Developer Is a Great Career Choice

9 Reasons Why Software Developer Is a Great Career Choice

Software development is a great career choice. 9 reasons why you should choose software development as your career choice.

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